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Made In The USA: Responsibly

It is important to keep America working by purchasing products that support American jobs. All of our products are proudly printed by American Craftsmen here in the U.S.A. using only the highest quality products and methods. All of our card stock is 100% recyclable and is certified by the Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI) for Land Management and Wood Procurement. Our cards also prominently display the "Made in USA" mark on the back to show our American pride in workmanship.

Made in the USA Responsibly

Sending a greeting card is not only an effective marketing tool and an inexpensive feel good item, it also contributes to keep Americans working. According to USPS, in 2016 the United States Postal Service was the nation's largest civilian employer - after WalMart. They operate the largest civilian vehicle fleet in the world and deliver 47% of the world's mail. In addition, millions are employed in support industries from tree farming, paper making, printing, storage and fullfilment, artists and graphic designers, mail houses and carrier services as well as transportation and distribution companies, just to name a few.

Purchasing and mailing cards from Industry Greetings help keep all these Americans working. We appreciate your support and thank you!